Meditation is a mental state in which a person tries to concentrate his mind and mind, Meditation has been practiced since ancient times in the form of many religious traditions and beliefs. Meditation is in itself a mental state, but it is also known as a common practice. There is no harm due to its practice. If you practice regularly, you can maintain your mental balance even in adverse situations and can get many other benefits. “Meditation” is a thoughtless Awareness, which is not sleep or trance, in which the person is completely under his control, only he does not use his mind to analyze someone, that is, to talk to someone else. In this state there is no cosmic thought in your mind, but you are fully conscious. There are many ways to practice meditation. With the help of these techniques, the inner energy called life force is created and the spirit of compassion, love, patience, generosity and forgiveness is developed. In addition, there are many health benefits such as re...